Discover Potato TexaPure: The Plant-Based Texture Enhancer from Aviko Rixona, Made from Fresh Potatoes

Tuesday October 29, 2024

Aviko Rixona introduces Potato TexaPure, a new functional potato-based ingredient, specifically developed for meat substitutes and hybrid meat applications. In these applications, TexaPure enhances taste, juiciness, and texture. Additionally, TexaPure seamlessly mimics the functionality of traditional fats. This makes it the perfect solution for meeting the growing demand for healthier and more sustainable plant-based alternatives.

Versatile in Use

Potato TexaPure is available in various forms, such as 10-kilogram blocks, mini cubes, and shredded variants. This plant-based ingredient is suitable for a wide range of meat substitutes and hybrid meat applications, including burgers, sausages, meatballs, and nuggets. Enriched with plant-based proteins, TexaPure can be used flexibly, making it a versatile ingredient for many different products.


A Juicy and Surprising Alternative

What makes Potato TexaPure special is its ability to significantly improve juiciness and mouthfeel. Even after preparation or reheating, meat and meat substitutes remain tender and juicy. Gerbert Dijkgraaf, Business Development Manager at Aviko Rixona, explains: “With TexaPure, we can replace animal products or fats without compromising on taste or texture. This often improves the Nutri-Score of meat substitutes, making it a healthier choice for consumers who don’t want to sacrifice flavor.”


A Valuable Innovation for the Meat and Meat Substitute Industry

Potato TexaPure offers an innovative solution for producers in the meat and meat substitute industry to cost-efficiently improve juiciness and texture, or even replace fats. This allows producers to offer consumers a healthier and more sustainable food option.


Sustainable Alternative

TexaPure has a very low carbon footprint, which helps meat and food producers reduce their environmental impact and achieve a better LCA score. This makes it a logical choice for companies striving for environmentally conscious solutions.

About Aviko Rixona

Potato TexaPure is a product of Aviko Rixona, part of Royal Cosun. Aviko Rixona has been active for nearly 100 years and is a global leader in dried potato products. With the introduction of Potato TexaPure, Aviko Rixona takes a new step towards sustainable and versatile food solutions.

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